School Improvement Team
Kevin Lampson, Chair
Layne Long
Clint Calhoun
Erin Harper
Carol Triplett
School Improvement Teams are required by North Carolina law to develop improvement plans that move the school forward in all areas.
These plans set goals and allow team members to collaborate on ways to achieve the goals and needs of the school. The team is made of a school administrator, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants assigned to the school building, and parents of children enrolled in the school.
School Improvement Teams are considered a public body and are subject to open meeting laws. Staff, parents, and community members are always welcome to attend and observe the meetings. Meetings are held at school, usually in a classroom on the second Thursday of each month beginning at 3:15 pm, unless otherwise rescheduled.
Do you have suggestions for improvements? You may communicate directly with an individual on the school team or send a request to the entire committee. The school members’ names and contact information are listed below:
Kevin Lampson, Chair, [email protected]
Layne Long [email protected]
Clint Calhoun [email protected]
Jennifer Kruseman [email protected]
Jennifer Powell [email protected]
Francis Phipps [email protected]
Michael Smith [email protected]
Barbara Cohen [email protected]
Carol Triplett [email protected]
Erin Harper [email protected]
Parents: Ella Smith, Laura Cruz, Tara Woodard
Our current school improvement plan is located on the NC Star/Indistar system at
To access our school improvement plan, use the following login information: Guest Login: GuestS17751 Password:GuestS17751 |
Jennifer Kruseman
Jennifer Powell - Secretary
Genie Phipps
Michael Smith
Barbara Cohen